Doing a little of our own research, we walked from Ashmont to Fields Corner today - and counted only 12 trash cans along the mile long stretch of the Avenue. In fact, most barrels were grouped 2 or 3 together in 5 locations (It was particularly trash-can absent near Town Field and Ashmont Station). This lack of recycling and trash receptacles must have been what drove one man further down the Avenue to throw his trash into someone's front yard (a.k.a. unofficial trash can). This is a two-part improvement involving infrastructure and personal responsibility. The people of Dorchester do walk around, and should be encouraged to do so, as a result there should be both trash AND recycling cans along the main roads, such as Dorchester and Blue Hill Avenues and Columbia Road (particularly near bus stops and subways station entrances) and highly populated side streets. We must also encourage personal responsibility among our fellow residents, until we get those bins (see photos for exemplars) pack it with you (think back-country manners), pick up after your pets, and if you feel so moved, do a little extra for the sake of the neighborhood.
We would like to encourage all Dorchester residents to contract Mayor Constitute Services and inform them of the need for more trash cans on Dorchester Ave. -
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(Pictures from San Francisco [notice the ultra-smart recycle bin hood], New York City, and Paris)